Oasis Pool: The Ultimate Poolside Getaway
A Southern California Sanctuary and among the Best Hotel Pools in California
Oasis Pool Hours
During peak season, the pool is open to the public 7 days per week. During the off-season, the pool is only for hotel guests.
Current Hours | 9AM - 6PM
Starting March 24th | 8AM - 7PM
Starting May 26th | 8AM - 8PM
Starting Friday, May 30th: Flamingo Fridays | 9PM to Midnight
(Pool will close for 1 hour from 8pm to 9pm)
Adults - $35
9 Years & Under - $30
For more information and to reserve a Day Bed or a Cabana, please call 888-MORONGO (667-6646)
Advanced deposit required for all cabana & daybed rentals at time of booking.